sarah came home from a fortnight in cyprus in the early hours of this morning!! by she was missed aswell. so me and charlotte thought that a nice welcome home would be to drag her with us on a four mile walk around the fields haha.
so anyway, we got ready and met sarah at the crown and started walking towards the lakes.. we'd just gotten up to the lake and the sky had gone completely black - but we kept walking on :)
so we got to the start of the walk and began to trudge up the big hill. we got half way up and all we saw was a MASSIVE bolt of lightening straight above us and extremely loud thunder immediately after, all three of us just screamed and screamed and blitzed back down the hill lmao.
then the rain began to absolutely stot it down and we got completely drenched. we were waiting for my dad to pick us up from the outside the chinese and charlotte decided to throw the water from the water bottle we had over me + sarah but i well and truly got her back she was soaking :) .. so then we came home, got dried and watched borat in my room with mini chocolate cakes, pizza and garlic bread. mmmmmmmm loved today :) ♥
heres the picture from when we were standing at the chinese completely soaking.