♥ I GOT A JOB! new look rang me back and said i had the xmas temp job, i start on friday.
♥ my hair went good, for the whole day, which is an achievement in itself.
♥ i was only in college an hour, and the lesson was dead funny anyway.
♥ i had a mcdonalds happy meal, which always gives me good moods.
♥ then i had my favourite nutella shakeaholic, and got the 10th stamp on my shakeaholic card which means my next one is free!
♥ i got home and my phone couldn't be repaired after i sent it off, so they sent me a brand new one! with a gorgeous cover aswell - i didn't get one last time.
♥ had some pasta for tea made by my gran, i love it when she makes it.
♥ went to a bag, makeup and jewellery party where my mam bought me some viv westwood earrings for christmas.
♥ then had a play about with windows 7 on my new laptop, cause i got a free upgrade with my new laptop.
so all in all, a very lovely friday 13th :)
here's the outfit for the party thing..
top: topshop, skirt: topshop, blazer: primark, tights: h&m, legwarmers: from when i was about seven, boots: primark, necklaces: mixture of homemade ones and gifts, bracelets: pandora, warren james, primark.. and one's from mia's party bag.. so a five year olds kiddy bracelet thing :')
when i got in, i put some comfy pj's on and couldnt contain my excitement for the job news, so i let it out on the webcam hahaa...
today i'm just being lazy as hell, and finishing some photography work. how was your friday 13th?