Wednesday 13 April 2011


just showing love for my new shorts, from new look - naturally! i actually cannot bare to shop anywhere else, because i dont get my 50% staff discount. i'm so stingey (is that how you spell it?!)

so, here's the black versions.. i bought the 'stone' ones too, cause i love them. the belts will come in dead handy too.

blazer: primark
shirt: new look
shorts/belt: new look
brogues: topshop

i still haven't been shopping properly in ages! i also took these pictures before i put any of my jewellery back on, i'd been in the shower. it looks so weird. i also took this blazer off and put my beige mac on to go out, the blazer looks horrible in real life.

hahah how much negativity can i cram into one post? i'll be so glad when college is over!


  1. I love this outfit, && you have a gorgeous figure! xxxx

  2. Ah! Im so jealous that you work in New Look, they always have the loveliest stuff. Panda xo

  3. Lovely outfit, i really like that shirt and the shorts :D
