Monday 18 February 2013

london fashion week - felder felder aw/2013

just the biggest photo post from the most interesting day ever! on friday i spent my final day interning for felder felder on the opening of london fashion week. i've been interning with them in the run up to LFW this year and i really really enjoyed it. i've now taken my first step into the world of interning and i've learnt so much already - it makes me excited to intern in other fashion worlds too!

i spent the day picking up press releases, packing backstage bags, making my way over to the show and helping out backstage and front of house. i also got to watch the show and all the hard work that went into making every garment. marina and the diamonds, mollie from the saturdays, kate nash and vv brown were all front row too.    


  1. I am so ruddy jealous! i've been interning at LFW too, but in the exhibition area, so I dont get to see all this cool stuff like you do! ( did snatch a glmpse of cara delavigne and susie bubble though!!) looks like a glorious show and I love your photos :) I've added you to my blog roll on my page, just to let you know :) the editorial in the last post is gorgeous too - your blog deserves more recognition! x

  2. Ah your photography is amazing! Love your blog <3

  3. That is incredible, I'm super happy for you! I've followed your blog for years now, so congrats! :) Looks like you've had an amazing time!

