Wednesday 4 September 2013

my three little dots

dress: urban outfitters, shoes: snake: primark / leopard: topshop, necklace: accessorize, denim jacket: levi via ebay

so this summer's weather has been amazing for england! hottest on record yeah? i'm pretty glad because i havent been able to afford a holiday this year besides glastonbury! i picked up this gorgeous little black summer dress in urban outfitters the other day while shopping on oxford street and i fell in love with the crochet detail and dropped waist! it's perfect for this type of weather, you can wear it by itself or layered up when it gets a little colder. love.

i also love my little lantern necklace from the cotswolds collection at accessorize. i have bought so many necklace, bracelets and bits since i started working there. accessories are toxic seriously!

finally, i'd like you to say hello to my first and most tiniest little tattoo, three little dots to represent my three housemates kirsty, charlie and sophia. we all have them on our fingers now and we were naughty and did them ourselves with needles and ink! good job we all love them :)

1 comment:

  1. these photos are so beautiful! i love both of your nail varnishes and the outfit is very chic

    from isabela at | bloglovin
