Saturday 3 September 2011

what the water gave me

dont even look like me. totally in love with my jacket. just got back from a mini night out. it was lovely.happy birthday jennaaaaaaa ♥ - totally gonna miss everyone. 
a few random photobooth pictures i've taken the past week with my newest best friend my macbook, since i name all my cameras i feel like he (yes, the mac) needs one too! the only bad side to this purchase is that i cannot physically buy anything else. all my savings, birthday money and the last of my wages went on it, so i'm living off £100 until mid september.

fur collar jacket: topshop
snake print dress: love at topshop

recently i've started straightening my hair. it looks so much longer than when it's natural/curled. it's also easier to do on a morning but i'm unsure whether i prefer it or not.

so opinions on 'curly vs. straight' are welcome..


  1. You got a new macbook!?

  2. Your eye makeup is amazing!
