Monday 28 November 2011

streetstyle in soho and carnaby street.

after i dropped my friend charlotte off at kings cross i headed to oxford circus to have a wander around carnaby street and soho - i took a disposable camera and took some street style pictures of some cool looking people. their names and info are below each set of four. i really enjoyed doing this, i'm going to do some more for my uni project.

top left: luke - sixth form student
top right: stephanie - lcf student
bottom left: ro - fashion student
bottom right: chloe - manager of carnaby st. shop

top left: irene - travelling/a tourist
top right: darren - filmer
bottom left: francesca - student
bottom right: nicole - theatre designer

top left: nina - barbour shop worker
top right: chantelle - topshop visual merchandiser
bottom left: hannah and matt - couple on oxford street
bottom right: kate - works in liberty london

top left: gary - in soho, barman at playboy london
top right: angela - in soho, retired/lives in brighton
bottom left: polly - illustrator
bottom right: simon - works at global radio

this was a really big step for me.. stopping total strangers in the street and asking them their names, what they do and if i could take their picture! it was interesting seeing the difference in personalities, some were much more open.. they asked me questions back and had a laugh. others were in a rush, more unwilling but still open to their picture being was also interesting seeing if their outfits co-ordinated with their personalities.

luke, the boy in the oxblood dr martens, black jeans, checkered collar and heavy barbour jacket was softly spoken and seemed very sweet. and gary was definitely as bold and colourful as his electric blue blazer and red bow tie suggests! he was going to attempt "a tyra banks style smize" but opted for a cheesy grin in the end.

i did take a few more but they didn't turn out very well, so i'm going to draw illustrations from them.. and from memories of the outfits of the people who didn't want me to take their picture. mwahahaha

soph x


  1. this post and all of your blog is amazingly awesome. i really like how everyone you've photographed are all unique and different. well done girly.

  2. Some great outfits, I love snapping street style you get such a mixed bag. Love the Barbour shop worker's rockabilly "this is england" outfit feel. x

  3. such a great idea for your blog. i would be too shy to stop people in the street and ask them for photos because i know some people would be rude and stand-offish about it. but that's good that a lot of them seemed really open and nice because really you're just paying them a compliment by saying they look good.

  4. Hello Luke, you look like my perfect boy.. Gorgeous photos!

  5. You snapped up some great outfits here! I bet it took a lot of courage to go up to random strangers, you should be proud of yourself. :) I don't know if I'd ever have the guts to do that! It's such a great idea though because then you can find out where people buy all their cool clothes from, hehe. Loving the effect from the disposable camera too. Great work!

  6. That's such a great idea! You should do it more often :) Girl number 4 is my favourite.
