Saturday 21 January 2012

charity shop shirts

i must say, i've recently become obsessed with buying blouses and shirts, in particular mens shirts from charity shops! they have the best simplistic, tailored and most appealing shirts compared to the high street at the minute. i've wanted a bold striped one for a while now and i found this one the other day for £3, i love how structured men's shirt collars are and my necklaces fits perfectly underneath them!

(worn with navy jeans from new look & burgundy loafers from usclipstick: clinique '17 - rosette', jacket: topshop, shirt: charity shop, necklace: h&m.

my wardrobe is they only thing i keep tidy. i have to to find anything in there! look how squished and small it is! stupid student room. i can't wait to move into a proper student house next year and hopefully(!!) have a bigger wardrobe, or a place to stand some extra clothes rails or something!

i like the contents of my wardrobe at the minute, lots of muted shades, patterns dotted around every now and then, lots of black and lots of shirts.

who else has blogged the inside of their wardrobe? link me haha!

soph x


  1. I love shirts too. they are so nice to wear. I don't have as many as you though :) x

  2. lThank you very much for following! Love your blog xo

  3. I love charity shop shirts too! x

  4. wow i'm in love with that shirt! i'm gonna have to give the charity shops a bash.

    love your blog - i've added it to my faves

    GEM x

    1. aw thank you so much! yeah i would definitely reccomend a good charity shop rummage! x

  5. ever since collared shirts like that have become a thing op-shops have been the best place to find them! there's no point in spending $30+ on a new one when you could get one just as cute that probably no one else has for $3.
