Tuesday 31 January 2012

stylespiration 14

(via bikinifetish)
(via BABYGOTHGIRL: the ragged priest) NEW BLOG POST



(via bonesandstyle)

(via aimeelouiseheart)

 i just jizzed at the fact that i own one pair of those shoes.

(via partytights)
my favourite picture from topshops A/W 2010
one of my many superficial dreams.. is to one day get to a point where i can be caught in an unexpected photograph and still looks lovely in it.. like this. also, whilst wearing really deep colour lipstick and not look like a total emo.. like her.
(via hannuhlouise)
soft pastels with harsh black, blood blue lips, icy chocolate hair, simplistic spikes, fishnet and layers, patchwork nails, masculine shoes, long line biker jackets, anything ninties, worn out coats, effortless  cool, alcohol in hand, thin silver rings, embellished leather, metallic paints and clicked knitwear.